Message from the President
Letter from Thierry Bizebard to Anthony Mungin’s friends – December 10, 2020
Dear all,
I first hope that everybody is fine, and that all of you and your loved ones have well lived this difficult and unexpected period that we all had to live during this 2020 year. In any case, I wish you all the very best for the months to come - including of course, and first of all, that I want to wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year !
And, as Christmas will come soon now, I just want to remind you how important is this special date for our dear friend Anthony ! As such, I would like to once again ask for your faithful contribution to allow him to have a good and joyous Christmas day !
So, please, I would just like to suggest you to send Christmas cards and e-cards to Anthony.
Yes, lots of Christmas cards and e-cards !
If you don’t have much time, just write down a few words showing your support and affection to Anthony: he’ll truly love all these Christmas cards !!!
A brief reminder of the possible procedures to send these cards (or longer letters !) :
- by postal mail (just remember that letters and cards will take approximately one week to reach Anthony: so write your greeting cards a little in advance)
to Anthony’s postal address :
Anthony Mungin 288322
Union Correctional Institution
PO Box 1000
Raiford, Florida 32083
- by E-mail (this is clearly much faster !) :
to send an E-mail to Anthony, you must (if not already done) register and open an account on the website dedicated to the electronic communications with death row inmates : ; you’ll find all useful informations on their help page :
You can also install the jpay appli on your smartphone.
Thank you so much !
Additionally - and as before - you can also help Anthony financially by donating to the "Save Anthony" association (even a small sum!). I remind everybody that these donations are used exclusively to help Anthony financially in his fight for justice!
I know, you would like to say : in 2020, nothing much happened for Anthony on the legal front (indeed, nothing happened…). But I know that you understand that 2020, for all the reasons that you know well, was such a special year… And you also already know that, in the USA, to obtain good justice means – amongst other things – that you have to put some money in it… Yes, this is a somehow disappointing statement, but nevertheless a realistic one!
I stop here my personal thoughts on american justice and tell you – it’s more important ! – how you can help Anthony in his fight for justice :
as usual, you can make donations either by check (in Euros) sent to the association’s address (see below), or by credit card using the association website and clicking on the "Donate" link.
Many thanks to you all for your faithful support !
And, once again, I would like to wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year !
Very best regards,
Thierry Bizebard
President of Save Anthony