Message from the President
Letter from Thierry Bizebard to Anthony Mungin’s friends – June 2021
Dear all,
I first hope that everybody is fine - even considering the special and difficult times we all had to live in the recent months. In any case, I wish you all the very best for the months to come - including a very good summertime !
Just let now come to the important point of this E-mail : as regularly, our dear Anthony has written a personnal letter to all his supporters to give them the latest news of himself (and also the latest legal news).
As you will read it and understand it in the words of Anthony's letter, the two most important points in our fight for justice are to
continue to support Anthony, both morally and financially:
- continue to support Anthony morally: for example, by regularly sending him letters / photos / news etc. !!
As always at this period of the year, an excellent opportunity comes very soon to send a message of support to Anthony: his birthday (on July 22nd) ! So, do not hesitate, please send birthday cards or e-mails to Anthony. Even a simple "Happy Birthday Anthony" will do it ... Many thanks in advance!
A brief reminder of the possible procedures to send these birthday messages :
- by postal mail, to:
Anthony Mungin 288322
Union Correctional Institution
PO Box 1000
Raiford, Florida 32083
(please also take into account that it takes approximately one week for your postal mail to be received by Anthony : so just be careful to send your birthday card a little in advance, so that Anthony gets it before his birthday date !!!)
- or by E-mail via jpay :
( ; you’ll find all useful informations on their help page : ; you can also install the jpay appli on your smartphone).
- Additionally, and it's also very important, please continue to help Anthony financially in his fight for justice ! So, do not hesitate to:
- either send a check (in Euros) to the association "Save Anthony" (even a small sum!), These donations are used exclusively to help
Anthony financially in his fight for justice! As a reminder, the address of the association is the folllowing:
Association « Save Anthony »
13 allée des noisetiers
94450 Limeil Brevannes
- or send your donation by credit card directly on our website :
(yes, our website has reopened, many thanks to Thierry Lesseur !)
and from then click on the link « Donate ».
Thank you very much !
So now, I stop it here and let you have a nice time reading Anthony's letter !
And, once again, many thanks for your faithful support !
Take care of youself and of your loved ones.
Best regards,
Thierry Bizebard
President of Save Anthony