Message from the President
Letter from Thierry Bizebard to Anthony Mungin’s friends – September 2021
Dear all,
First of all, I hope that all of you are doing well and had a good summer, despite the difficult circumstances of all these months.
The main purpose of this letter is that Anthony wished to give all his supporters his news on the legal front – because things in that matter moved at the beginning of the summer. As you will see in Anthony’s message below : after the negative (but not unexpected) decision of the Florida Supreme Court, Anthony’s legal situation is certainly complicated, but there are still serious grounds for hope that we will (collectively! ) get him off Death Row. But, of course, for that, we have to continue – more than ever – to support Anthony financially. I know (and thank you very much) that you have already given a lot for him, but you also know that money is the nerve of war in the United States (and elsewhere…). But for Anthony, it’s for sure for a good and just cause!!
To continue to help Anthony financially in his fight for justice, you can – as before – do the following:
- either send a check (in Euros) to the association "Save Anthony" (these donations are used exclusively to help Anthony financially in his fight for justice). The address of the association is the following:
Association « Save Anthony »
13 allée des noisetiers
94450 Limeil Brevannes
- or send your donation by credit card directly on our website : and then by clicking on the link « Donate ».
Thank you very much !
Of course, money is not everything – far from it! – and we must also continue to support Anthony morally by sending him - as you can - letters and e-mails. All occasions are good for this! You can correspond with Anthony:
- either by postal mail, to:
Anthony Mungin 288322
Union Correctional Institution
PO Box 1000
Raiford, Florida 32083
- or by E-mail via jpay ( ; you’ll find all useful informations on their help page ; you can also install the jpay appli on your smartphone).
I stop it here and let you read Anthony's message and explanations.
And, once again, many thanks for your faithful support !
Take care of yourself and of your loved ones.
Best regards,
Thierry Bizebard,
President of Save Anthony