Here below are all the motions that are available to us. All 2012 motions pertain to the evidentiary hearing and are not in the public domain.
- To access case summary (done by Save Anthony), click here
- To access all public records click here
- More details on timeline here
- To access case summary (done by Save Anthony), click here
- To access all public records click here
- More details on timeline here
2007 - 2012 All motions relating to current motion to vacate the judgment
(new witness G. Brown) - All filed by Todd Scher
Currently missing: Reply from State and final brief submitted by Todd Scher at the end of 2012
August 9th, 2012 Appeal from the circuit court in and for the 4th judicial circuit (To the Florida Supreme Court)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
March 19th, 2012 Order denying Brady and Giglio Claims by Judge Southwood, State Court (further to the evidentiary hearing in 2012)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
February 16th, 2012 State's post evidentiary hearing memorandum by Bernardo de la Rionda (further to the evidentiary hearing in 2012)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
February 18h, 2012 Defendant's post hearing memorandum by Todd Scher (further to evidentiary hearing in 2012)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy)
October 27th, 2011 Opinion from Florida Supreme Court granting a new evidentiary hearing with no oral arguments needed
2011_10_27_fsc_order_evidentiary_hearing_law_opinions.pdf |
August 3rd, 2007 Motion to vacate judgments of conviction and sentence pursuant to FLA. CRIM 3851 with request for evidentiary hearing
(by Todd Scher)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy))
(by Todd Scher)
(ask A. Mungin - E. Purdon has a copy))
November 6th, 2006 - Amended petition for writ of habeas corpus by a death sentenced person in stade custody pursuant to 28 U.S.C 2254 (MOTION CURRENTLY HELD IN ABEYANCE WITH THE FEDERAL COURT). Filed by Todd Scher
- This motion is currently held in abeyance with the Federal Court. It will have to be redrafted once we have the opinion from the Florida Supreme Court. It does not contain any reference to the discovery of the new witness, which happened after this particular motion had been filed. However, it contains a summary of all the procedural history.
- Missing: Order from the Federal Judge sending back the case to the Florida Supreme Court, further to the discovery of the new witness George Brown.
- The motion is here in 3 parts ie p1 to p134; p135 to end; missing pages 18,62,92
- This motion is currently held in abeyance with the Federal Court. It will have to be redrafted once we have the opinion from the Florida Supreme Court. It does not contain any reference to the discovery of the new witness, which happened after this particular motion had been filed. However, it contains a summary of all the procedural history.
- Missing: Order from the Federal Judge sending back the case to the Florida Supreme Court, further to the discovery of the new witness George Brown.
- The motion is here in 3 parts ie p1 to p134; p135 to end; missing pages 18,62,92
2006_11_06_mungin_petition_writ_habeas_corpus_p1_to_136.pdf |
2006_11_06_mungin_petition_writ_habeas_corpus_p137_to_end.pdf |
2006_11_06_mungin_petition_writ_habeas_corpus_missing_pages_18_62_92.pdf |
2001 - 2006 Previous appeals, including motion 3850 (discovery of new alibi witnesses) and habeas corpus
Click here to edit.
2005/6 Appeal to Florida Supreme Court (motion 3850) and Habeas Corpus 2005/2006 (filed by Todd Scher)
2006_04_06_mungin_fsc_denial_motion_for_postconviction_relief.pdf |
2005_08_01_mungin_reply_brief_of_todd_scherr.pdf |
2005_05_27_mungin_fsc_response_state_answer_brief_of_appellee.pdf |
2005_05_27_mungin_state_response__amended_petition_writ_of_habeas_corpus.pdf |
2005_01_20_mungin_amended_petition_for_writ_of_habeas_corpus.pdf |
2005_01_18_mungin_appeal_fsc__todd_scher_amended_brief_appellant.pdf |
Circa 2004 Initial brief from appellant defence attorney Kenneth Malnick, requesting oral arguments (then amended by Todd Scher)
03-780_initial_brief_appeal_k_malnik.pdf |
2003 Petition for writ of Habeas Corpus,by defence attorney Kenneth Malnick (privately retained)
2003_10_07_mungin_orginal_petition_for_habeas_corpus_by_kenneth_malnick.pdf |
2002 Corrected opinion from the Florida Supreme Court on separate legal issue regarding attorney Mark Evan Olive
2002_02_14_mungin_markevanolive_corrected_fsc_opinion.pdf |
2001 Florida Bar complaint by Anthony Mungin against his court appointed attorney Dale Westling
2001_florida_bar_complaint.pdf |
1994/1995 Direct appeal
Click here to edit.
1994_11_01_mungin_direct_appeal__stevebeen.pdf |
1995_02_mungin_state_response.pdf |
1995_04_10_revised_brief_steve_been.pdf |
1995_09_07_mungin_revised_opinion_fsc.pdf |
1993, 23rd February To read Anthony's death sentence click here